
Goodbye, keys: The Ernest app lets you easily access your car, gate, and garage

The only butler in the average person’s life is probably Geoffrey from reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air but you can have one on your phone, too. A Kickstarter launched on Friday is funding a so-called “mobile butler” named Ernest, a unified app for car security and home control. The idea for Ernest came Goodbye, keys: The Ernest app lets you easily access your car, gate, and garage

ActiveForce Protection Barriers are used to create ATFP entry systems and gates.

The appropriate type of barrier depends on a number of factors. In this article we consult some of the most common barrier security applications. Security provided by barriers is available with many different degrees of safety options. Whether the solution is permanent or somewhat temporary, depends on a facility’s unique needs as well as various ActiveForce Protection Barriers are used to create ATFP entry systems and gates.


Fencing is an important aspect of your house, principally because of security reason, but also it adds value to your property. Fencing is as good as security gates because gates the primary tool for controlling access and keeping track of people who come and go. Earlier people preferred manual gates, but these days most of BENEFITS OF FENCING AND PROTECTING YOUR PROPERTY WITH THE PROPER SECURITY GATES

Gated Communities

Gate, Security, Security Gate, slide gate, vertical pivot gate, tilt gate, AutoGate, ornamental gate, commercial gate, industrial gate

More and more people want to reside in gated residential communities. Because of this, gated residential communities and garden apartments across the country are being built at record rates. In the 1970s there were approximately 2000 gated communities nationwide. In the early 2000s, there were over 50,000 gated properties with more being built every year. Gated Communities

Advantages Of Aluminum Driveway Gates

Aluminum driveway gates are gaining in popularity over iron or wooden gates due to their strength and durability as well as the many design style options on the market. Cost Aluminum driveway gates are much less expensive than wrought iron and can simulate the look of iron without the high price tag. If you want Advantages Of Aluminum Driveway Gates